Year - Ringlands Bay

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Ringlands Bay, Narooma
Weather Station
The weather station in use is the Davis Vantage Vue, and these pages are updated every 15 minutes. The meteorological day used at this station ends at 9am.
Extremes for 2024
Highest37.3°C at 3:55 PM on 21 January
Lowest1.4°C at 7:39 AM on 15 July
Highest Daily Min37.3°C on 05 February
Lowest Daily Max13.7°C on 07 July
Highest Daily Range21.2°C on 21 January
Lowest Daily Range2.8°C on 11 May
Highest Heat Index40.9°C at 3:59 PM on 21 January
Lowest Wind Chill1.4°C at 7:39 AM on 15 July
Highest Apparent39.0°C at 3:28 PM on 21 January
Lowest Apparent-0.5°C at 7:39 AM on 15 July
Highest Dew Point24.7°C at 11:54 AM on 29 February
Lowest Dew Point0.2°C at 7:39 AM on 15 July
Highest Humidity98% at 6:44 AM on 12 January
Lowest Humidity26% at 3:49 PM on 21 January
Total So Far478.4mm
Highest Rate188.8mm/hr at 11:47 AM on 06 April
Highest Hourly Total32.8mm at 10:06 PM on 05 April
Highest Daily Total64.8mm on 05 April
Longest Dry Period12 days on 09 March
Longest Wet Period11 days on 13 May
Highest Gust30.4kts at 9:36 AM on 12 June
Highest Speed12.7kts at 4:15 PM on 21 January
Highest Wind Run88.5nm on 06 June
Highest1040.37hPa at 9:46 AM on 06 July
Lowest994.59hPa at 4:13 AM on 16 July
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